Know if your scripts are running
Simple tool to make sure that your cron jobs and automated tasks are running.
Create a canary, get a custom URL that you can curl to notify that it's still running.
A great way to make sure your backup jobs are running, your newsletter is being sent, or your sheduled tasks are doing what they should. && curl
You can alos email the the canary, add it to your newsletter, or use it as a bcc in your signup process to make sure things are working.
$to = ""; //To recipients
$email_subject = "PHP is the bestest!";
$email_body = "PHP is the best!\n". ".
$headers = "From: \r\n";
$headers = "Bcc:\r\n";
//Send the email!
We will save the subject of the last email you sent, but nothing more.
Be creative
Use git hoks to keep track of when you last commited code to your side project,
Simple pricing
The pricing is simple. The first one is on the house, if you want more, you pay more.